New You Medical Center


Hormones control and direct many of the functions in the human body. As you might imagine, with bioidentical hormone therapy, the benefits can be immense. HRT can help reduce chronic pain, achieve better sleep at night, improved sex life, enhanced livelihood and energy, promote a more youthful appearance and boost elf-confidence.

Male Testosterone Replacement

Program length: on-going


Our therapy program is proven to help men experiencing low testosterone levels resulting from the natural aging process. We keep it safe and simple with an individualized program that includes all the medication and extensive monitoring that is necessary while on treatment. Testosterone therapy is not indicated for males under the age of 30 or for males that desire future fertility. This program includes routine consultations with a Board Certified Clinician, lab review, testosterone treatment cream or testosterone injections. Routine lab tests and lab draws not included.


This program includes:


  • Routine Consultations with Board certified Clinician
  • Lab review
  • Testosterone treatment cream
  • Testosterone injections
  • Routine lab tests and lab draws not included.